Monday, September 5, 2005

Illogical Travel Plans

So Kim posted a couple of pictures from our fraternity in her LiveJournal today, which of course resulted in me spending way too long going through the online photo albums looking at the past 8 or 9 years worth of Psi U history.

This had predictable results. I've been overwhelmed with a desire to play quarters and flick bottle caps at the light fixture in the living room. Oh, and to see some old friends.

So I just bought my plane tickets for 3 to 3. I'll be taking the totally insane route, flying out late friday night and arriving at about noon on saturday (I'll miss the alumni association meeting, bonus!), then a little more than 24 hours later I'll fly out again. It seems likely that I'll be pretty out of it the whole time, but hopefully I'll be able to get some sleep on the plane so I can at least remain awake for the 12 scheduled hours of party ;-)

Anyway, I just felt the need to mention it, on the off chance that anyone else was planning on not going this year. I mean if I can fly across the whole damn country to be there doesn't that make your excuse seem pretty lame?