Monday, March 20, 2006

Ready For My Closeup

So one of the things I've been doing at $WORK is helping some NetBeans engineers at Sun with their work on a NetBeans Subversion plugin. It's been going on for a while now, with my participation being mostly limited to answering questions about Subversion, looking at their prototypes from the point of view of an experienced Subversion user, and just generally trying to help them make their Subversion integration just as cool as their CVS integration is now.

Anyway, a few weeks ago I stopped by the Sun Santa Clara campus and they interviewed me for the Sun Developer Channel. You can see the video here, my part starts about 20 minutes in. The whole experience was a lot of fun (we did 4 takes, it's hard to have the same conversation 4 times in a row!), and I'd just like to thank the Sun Developer Network crew from inviting me in.